As Overgate celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, I am delighted to have been appointed the new Chair of the Board of Trustees. I began this role in April 2021 after two years as a volunteer trustee.
Together, the Board of Trustees have a collective responsibility to lead the charity in fulfilling its purpose. We do this as effectively as possible within the resources we have available. Put simply, the Board of Trustees holds the Hospice ‘in Trust’ for this and future generations. We stay focused on making good, evidence-based decisions aimed at delivering the purpose of Overgate Hospice; ensuring that our patients, and those closest to them, live with the best possible quality of life.
We do this by continuing to attract the high quality staff and volunteers that are so vital to the care we provide, as well as working in partnership with people and organisations across Calderdale to ensure that our services continue to meet the needs of our community.
I have personally experienced hospice care when both my dad and uncle were cared for in other hospices. The impact this care had on my Dad’s final days was incredibly positive however during my uncle’s care, the support we received as a family wasn’t everything I could have hoped for.
These experiences make me more committed than ever to ensuring that patients and families get the support they need in those critical moments.
I feel very privileged to be part of the Overgate family, to be celebrating this incredible milestone, and to be leading this wonderful charity into the next 40 years, shaping the care we provide and ensuring it is fit for the future.

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