Spiritual care is about sharing a journey with our patients, and supporting them in their hopes and fears, dreams, goals and religious beliefs.
Our Chaplaincy Team cares for our patients and their families on both a pastoral and a human level. This support is available to patients in the Inpatient Unit and in Day Hospice, as well as to relatives, friends and staff, regardless of whether or not a person has a religious faith. The Hospice can make contact with representatives of other faith traditions on request.
The team is happy to respond to requests ranging from listening to a person’s concerns and anxieties to just offering the chance for a chat about the weather or a person’s interests or hobbies.
Our Chaplaincy Team can also plan and facilitate memorial services, arrange quiet time for reflection utilising our garden spaces, and are involved with special Overgate services such as the annual ‘Light Up a Life’ service.