If you are unhappy with the service we have provided, we want to know what we can do to help. Complaints can be made in various modes; in writing by letter, by email, by social media, verbally to staff, over the phone or by filling out the form below.
We will talk to you to find out if it is a problem we can resolve quickly and easily, or a problem that needs a more formal investigation and response.
When you contact us, we will want to talk to you to understand the problem and agree what you would like to happen. If the problem can be resolved quickly, we will confirm what we will do and when we will contact you. This is most useful at the time that problems are happening, and action can be taken to make the situation better for you and your relative.
If a problem needs to be investigated, or needs a formal response, we will confirm the issues to be investigated, how you would like to receive the infomation from the investigation, and when this will be available.
We are responsible for dealing with your complaint efficiently and ensuring it is properly investigated. We will treat you with respect and courtesy and provide a timely and appropriate response.
Unresolved Complaints - If the response is not satisfactory to the complainant, you can write to the Chair of Trustees within 14 days of the response being received. An independent review may be conducted by the Board of Trustees. If the Chair of Trustees’ response is also felt to be unsatisfactory, the complainant may raise the complaint with an overseeing body.
Chair of Trustees, Overgate Hospice, 30 Hullen Edge Rd, Elland, HX5 0QY.
Overseeing Bodies
Care Complaints - If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint you can refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman at: or call 0345 015 4033
Fundraising Complaints - If you are unhappy with the outcome of your fundraising complaint, you can refer the matter to the Fundraising Regulator who are the independent regulator of charitable fundraising: Fundraising Regulator Eagle House 167 City Road London, EC1V 1AW
Call: 0300 999 3407 Or visit:
You may wish to pursue the matter through the Care Quality Comission (CQC) who can be contacted at any stage of the complaint; however their preference is for complaints to be handed by the organisation in question.