Following your referral for any of our Day Hospice services, a qualified nurse will contact you to invite you to our New Referral group session where your initial assessment will be completed. This group session will be approximately 2hrs and will take place in Overgate Day Hospice.

If you are unable to attend the Hospice for your initial assessment, a qualified nurse will arrange a home visit.
During your assessment a qualified nurse will provide support and advice, giving time to discuss planning for the future and any health or social concerns you may have. You will then be signposted to the relevant services you may need.

If you would like to participate in our Virtual meetings and need assistance to do this a member of our Overgate Outreach team will contact you to discuss how we can help to facilitate this.

Our current Outreach services include:
• Assistance to join onto our Virtual meetings
• Social/ psychological support
• Diversional therapies
• Physiotherapy
• Occupational therapy
• Complementary therapies
• Social work support
• Spiritual support

Visit our Outpatient Care page below to find out more about our Day Hospice services.

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