What Happens Next is a support group for people who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one. It includes emotional and psychological support from trained professionals, as well as from others who attend and who are going through a similar experience right now.
We will help you tackle emotional issues such as what makes a good or bad day, how to cope with the expectations of others, and to share your memories, amongst other things. The group is run by members of our Patient and Family Support Team, who offer these relaxed and informative sessions to provide you with the opportunity to talk about your feelings and perhaps more practical issues you may be coming to come to terms with since the loss of your loved one.
You may have questions you want to ask about wills and probate or access to benefits; or you simply may feel lost in the mire of coping whilst trying to maintain some hold on finances and supporting family. It might be a wish to chat to others who feel what you do, and are experiencing similar emotions as you right now.
There will be a selection of leaflets on hand and for others who may require more one-to-one support, there will be the opportunity to spend a short amount of time with a trained listener who will act as a gateway to more intensive and appropriate services for those who find it difficult to ask for help.
Sessions are once a month and they last for two hours. They are held in the Day Hospice at Overgate. You will be welcome to attend for six sessions in total before leaving the group to allow other relatives to access this support.
If you require any further information about ‘What Happens Next’, please contact our Patient and Family Support Team on 01422 379151 who will be pleased to help you.