I joined the team at Overgate in 1998, over 20 years ago. My stepmum had been a patient and the care she received made me want to help in a similar way. In my time as a Nursing Assistant I have come to realise that it is the small things that make the biggest difference. Sometimes just painting someone’s nails or giving them a hand massage can completely change how they are feeling. What our patients and their loved ones are going through is always at the forefront of my mind, and this helps me in my role. We can’t change their situation but in doing our job well and being kind, we can take the edge off for them.

I really love working at the Hospice. The volunteers are amazing, and I have made some great friends in my time here. We obviously have some emotionally draining days, but we support each other as best we can. The saddest time in my 23 years here was just a few years ago when one of my very best friends Jill, who has been a nurse at the Hospice alongside me for many years, died. As a team, will always feel her loss, but we talk about her often and this helps. Just last week I was reminiscing about the time we had been laughing so much with a patient that we all had to sit down on floor, patient included, and it took ages to get back up!

As well as many great friends, my daughter Laura also works at the Hospice. Over the years I have watched her progress and she now oversees the fundraising, retail and marketing teams. I couldn’t be prouder of her if I tried; not just because of how well she does her job and looks after her teams, but also because of the way she will always go out of her way to help anyone.

Every day I am in awe of the amazing support we receive from our community. Every penny donated really does touch my heart and this has meant so much during the difficult 18 months we’ve all had. It really is a privilege to work at the Hospice. I live in Elland and the amount of people that know me because I’ve nursed someone close to them is astounding. We play a big role in the lives of so many local people and it really is an honour.

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